domingo, 15 de julio de 2012

                                                             Pontevedra, ao 31 de marzo de 2012.

Demandan inxustiza socia

Acumulan moitas mentiras

teñen a lingoaxe da inversión

Da verdade úneca que abriría

Vieiros de esperanza continua.

Quitannos os noso dereitos merecidosongo

Ao longo do tempo transcurrido

A verdade non cambióubitofé

E consttriton un monton de mentiras meditadas

Cubren de negro a lus cotiá.

A palabra cruel

Incita ao levantamento

As palbras que firen

A familias enteiras

Coa carencia absoluta

Invitan a un desánimo constante

Mais non lles importan

viernes, 13 de julio de 2012

Pontevedra, 1st May 2012
I would like to be like
The free wind,
The air is claire
And the sky is bright.
I would like to be
Like a free bird,
Waewing and wawing
Wihtout an especific destination
I am the friend of freedom
I spend my days without an unusfull
Mental gaol, becuase I believe
In freedom. At night I do not believe
In darkness, because darkness
Is another kind of suffering.
I believe in Oscar Wilde,
I believe in Walt Whitman
I beleive in the Human Been
I believe in love
But I hate people who
Would like the pain of others.
I believe in the green colour
Of the Irish Fiedls
The beautilfulness
is in front of our eyes,
West Irish Coast,
Aran Island,
Or the Cliffs of Moher
And the necesity to be be happy
With these marvallous Irish landscape filmend
By Michael J. Flaherty,
In 1920 about The Man of Aran
Island for statement to
John Millingtom Siong
Or lady Gregory Augusta
I beleive in John Lennon,
Imagine a peaucful World
I beleive in Georges Moustaky,
Yo declaro el stado de bienestar permanente
I believe in Jacques Brell
Please, Ne me quittes pass,
Please, do not hate me
I believe mainly in you
But, sometimes everything is hard
The entire day is hard
And my heart is blooding
Blood with pain
And the night is another
Kind of suffering
But after all I believe in you,
Because live goes on.
Miguel Dubois